Content Posted in 2025
Accomplish and Optimize a County-Wide Reappraisal with Limited Staffing, Anita Lopez Esq., Jim Molnar AAS, and Daniel Anderson
Accurately Accounting for AVM Land Values, Paul E. Bidanset
Advanced Disclosure in Ontario: Lessons Learned, Malcolm Stadig CAE, MRICS, ASA, MIMA and Cathy Ranieri Sweenie
Agricultural AVMs: Feasibility and Relevance, Paul Bidanset
Alternative Uses of Mass Appraisal Data in Lithuania, Rūta Kliunkienė, Asta Paškevičienė, and Arvydas Bagdonavičius
Amy Rasmussen, RES, AAS, FIAAO
An Update on the Educational Development Process, Brad A. Eldridge and Willa Jessee MSED
Applications of Cyclomedia in Property Assessment and Construction of a Visibility Measure for CAMA Modeling, Jah-Jin Vaughan
Appraisal of Mineral Properties, Jeffrey R. Kern
ArcGIS Platform Implementations: A Tale of Two Counties, Robert Henriquez CFA; Katrina Scarborough CCR, MCF, CFA; and Brandon Harris CCM, MBA
Artificial Intelligence: From Science Fiction to Reality, Conrad T. Comeaux
ASEAN Housing Markets and Opportunities For Mass Appraisal, Sopon Pornchokchai PhD, D.FIABCI, CRS, MRICS
Assessment Appeals in the Internet Age, Andrew Harrison GISP, Tom Van Buer, and Michael Brady
Assessment Tools and Techniques to Measure and Diagnose Issues with Vertical Equity, Ron Rakow and Paul Bidanset
Automating Field Data Collection, Coleman McCormick and Michael W. Prestridge
A View from the Trenches––Achieving Our CEAA, Alvin R. Lankford CAE; Katrina Scarborough CFA, CCF; Dinah Kilgore RPA; and Calvin Kent PhD, AAS
Best Practices for Teaching Adult Learners, Kirk F. Boone PPS and Rob Moore MS
Beyond the Valuation Report: The Future of the Profession Is a Wider Range of Client Services, Roger G. Messenger BSc, FRICS, FIRRV, CMIArb, REV Hon. CAAV
Big Data for Valuation, Patrick O'Connor MAI
Billboard Lease Mass Appraisal, Paul Wright ASA
Cadastral Data Sharing & Aggregation: National Parcel Map, Neal D. Carpenter CMS and Brent Jones PE, PLS
Calculating Price Related Bias in Excel, Anthony Justice AAS, MS, MPA
Cases of note in your jurisdictions, Thomas A. Jaconetty Esq.
Catching the Vision – Strategic Planning & Vision 2020, John C. Isbell AAS and Tim L. Boncoskey
CEAA: The Latest and Greatest, Calvin A. Kent
Cell Towers: RCN Cost vs. Original Cost, Gregory Perry Popham
Challenges After a Long Lapse In Revaluation, Siska S. Hutapea MAI, MRICS, MRE and Ruel J. Williamson MBA
Challenging the conventional practice: The use of value banding in the assesssment of residential properties for a recurrent property tax, William J. McCluskey PhD
Computer Security & Identity Theft: Risks & Why It Matters, Matthew D. Donahue
Cost Tables vs. Cost Estimators for Valuation, Edward Martinez, Mariann Matz, and Jim Siebers
Creating a Body of Knowledge, Frederick M. Chmura AAS; Kenneth L. Joyner RES, AAS, MAE; Michael J. Lomax; and Michael W. Ireland CAE
Creating and Maintaining a High Performance Assessment Team, Brian E. Gordineer AAS and Olivia M. Griebel
Creating Success Through Workplace Climate and Engagement, Allen Zingg
Delineating market areas used for mass valuation using geographically weighted regression (GWR) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA), Paul E. Bidanset, Peadar T. Davis, Daniel J. Fasteen, Michael J. McCord, Luc D. Hermans, and William J. McCluskey
Demonstration Appraisal Report Grading, Randy J. Ripperger CAE
Developing and Nurturing Your X-Ray Vision, August Dettbarn RMA
Developing Effective Age Models: The Case of Harris County Appraisal District Residential Properties, Errol Williams PhD
Disaster recovery administration: An overview of approaches, concepts, and responses, Thomas A. Jaconetty Esq. and Wayne A. Tenenbaum Esq.
Disaster recovery appraisal, Gaylord A. Wood Jr., Esq., CMA
Disasters, Pre–Planning and Response: Is Your Office Ready?, Gregory S. Brown CFA and Alex Hepp
Donna VanderVries, CAE, AAS, PPS, Esq.
Don't Cut Me Off!: Use of Post Valuation Date Evidence in Appraisals, William D. Shepherd and Shawn E. Wilson MAI
Electronic Data Verification Program, James D. Tanner
Electronic Notices Vs. Paper in the Mail, Jim Coté MDP, EMCM
Engaging the Adult Learner, Kirk Boone and Rob Moore
Enhancing Property Valuation Accuracy with Ensemble Modeling Techniques, Will Jarvis
Estimating Market Value on Leased Properties, John Valente ASA
Ethical requirements for property tax attorneys, Melinda D. Blackwell and Tammy White-Chaffer
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Modeling (But Were Too Afraid to Ask), Paul Bidanset
Evolution or Revolution: Adapting to Changes, John Hughes FRICS, Eric Jennings, and Elizabeth Strout
Excel Can Do That? From Pivot Tables to Dashboards, David M. Cornell CAE, MAI, MBA
Fair + Equitable August 2022, International Association of Assessing Officers
Fair + Equitable February 2025, International Association of Assessing Officers
Fair + Equitable June/July 2022, International Association of Assessing Officers
Fair + Equitable March 2025, International Association of Assessing Officers
Fair + Equitable May 2022, International Association of Assessing Officers
Fair + Equitable September 2022, International Association of Assessing Officers
Fee Simple… It's Not So Complicated, Peter F. Korpacz MAI, CRE, FRICS
Fill 'Er Up! Gas Station and C-Store Valuation Methods, Marcus M. Moffitt MPA, RPA
Five Stories from Across America, Tim L. Boncoskey, Steven Hunt, Scott K. Teruya, and David W. Fitzgibbon
Friends of the Library Scavenger Hunt 2025, International Association of Assessing Officers
Friends of the Library Scavenger Hunt 2025, International Association of Assessing Officers
From Data to Value: AI in Serbia's Mass Valuation Landscape, Ivana Štrbac and Dejan Drašković
Geostatistical Response Surface – An Appraiser Training Manual, Maria De La Pena and Bob Kaldor
GIS Can Do That! Basic GIS Concepts for Assessment Professionals, Daniel J. Fasteen PhD
GIS In the Assessor’s Office: A Study of Emerging Trends, Paul E. Bidanset; Daniel J. Fasteen; and Brent Jones PE, PLS
Great Leaders Grow Highly Effective Teams, Val Larson MBA, MD, OD
Guidelines, Opportunities, and Challenges in AI Adoption in Assessment Offices, Imran Razzaq
How to Deploy Valuation Models: Maricopa County's PMML Project, David Whiterell RES and Jennifer Rearich
How to Reduce Stress In a Revaluation Year, Randy Faircloth, Helen McNuly, and Jake Lackey
Human-Machine Synergy in Real Estate Similarity Concept, Małgorzata Renigier-Biłozor PhD and Artur Janowski PhD
IAAO Research and Findings of Special Committee on Big-Box Valuation Position Paper, IAAO Special Committee on Big-Box Valuation
Identifying & Allocating Intangible Assets for Property Appraiser’s Office, IAAO Special Committee on Intangible Assets
Implementing an AVM at a Large Scale on a Banded System in the UK, Rob Dickinson and Andy Grayson
Improving Commercial Value Estimates Using a New Cost Model, J. Wayne Moore PhD and Tony W. Lindauer CKA
Improving Residential CODs Using Logistic Regression, Michael L. Brooks MBA, MA
Income Valuation Models: A Journey to Excellence, Charlene MacNeil AACI, MIMA
Infill Property Development and Large Scale Renovations, Andrew T. Carswell PhD and Daniel J. Fasteen
International Property Measurement Standards (IPMS), Gary J. McCabe CAE
Journal of Property Tax Assessment & Administration v. 22 n. 1: Complete Issue, International Association of Assessing Officers
Keeping Citizens Informed Through Social Media, Clarence E. Mingo II and Dave O'Neil
Leading with Emotional Intelligence, Rebecca L. Malmquist CAE, SAMA and Tiffany A. Opheikens RES
Localized Explainability for Machine Learning Valuation Models, James Ellens
Machine Learning and Model Explanation in Mass Appraisal, Joe Wehrli
Managing Change, Patrick Miller
Measuring Impact: New Statistical Methods for Assessment Accuracy and Transparency, Nicole Jardine PhD
Mecklenburg 2011 Revaluation Review, Kenneth L. Joyner RES, AAS; Eric G. Anderson; David D. Reeves MSIT, SSGB, PMP; and Christina M. Lantis
Mecklenburg County N.C. BPP Canvassing Initiative, Sandy Martin PPS and Barry Lindenman CPA
Methodology for Homogenous Area Determination HAD2 - Mission Accomplished, Marek Walacik PhD, MRICS, CCIM, REV and Aneta Chmielewska PhD
Morale & Motivation, Heather Drake CAE, RES and Jared Angell PMP
Multi-Family Appraisal Issues, Terry R. Taylor CAE, RES, CFE
Multiple Regression Modeling and Residential Appraisal, Ronald A. Rowe
Office Buildings Income Valuation & Mass Appraisal Modeling, Toni Viens MAI, SRA
Off the Beaten Path –– Alternative Careers in Appraisal, Paul E. Bidanset
One Size Fits All? Different Applications of AVMs, Marc Francke PhD
Out–Of–The–Box Leadership, Tony W. Lindauer CKA and Colleen Younger
Personal Property: From Discovery to Final Valuation, Mariann Matz and Laurie Goodman
Personal property valuation and exemptions in the U.S., Alan S. Dornfest AAS, George Brown Esq., and Richard Anderson
Property Tax Appeals International Experience, Kathy Gillis and Paul Sanderson
Property Tax Systems and Data Accuracy: Korea and the US, Su Yeon Jung PhD
Recent developments in real property taxation: Exemptions, Mark P. Reynolds Esq.
Recent developments in real property taxation: Procedural, Harold Hicks Esq.
Recent developments in real property taxation: Substantive, William E. Banfield Esq., Reed Schneider, Suzanne Walsh, and Benjamin M. Williams
Regulating for success, Austin K. Parker JD, LLM, SJD and Bryant E. Parker JD, LLM, SJD
Repeat Sales Model Depreciation Estimation, Weiran Huang PhD
Representation Matters: Measuring Model-Market Representation, a Heuristic to Simplify AI Complexity, James Williams, Kevin Keene, and Alex Raju
Resolving Disputed Assessments Online, Roland Altinger and Keith Bethel
Roles and Goals for a Formal Assessment Appeal: Objectives for Large Formal Property Assessment Appeals, Marty Marshall, Rich Fosburg, Andrea Crumback Esq., and Mike Meyer PLC
Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say, Brenda J. Setelin
Separating Intangible Value, FF&E, and Real Estate, Jim Amorin
Simplifying the Complex: Valuing Mixed-Use Properties in a Mass Appraisal Environment, Shelley Graham MRICS and Lee May CAE, M.I.M.A.
Site Inspection Process for Industrial Properties, Robert T. Lehn PE, RPA, MChE; Nicholas A. Elmore RES, AAS, MAE; and Dennis Deegear MPA
Solar Panels: It’s Time to Value the Sun’s Power, Jake Parkinson
Statistical Mass Appraisal Models for Large Commercial Buildings, Patrick M. O'Connor ASA
Success Factors for a Property Taxation System and the Consequent Risks, Ben Bervoets and Marco Kuijper
Tag and Tax: Evolution of Registered Motor Vehicle Taxation, Travis J. Isaacs
Tax assessor: A judicial official, Carl L. Tilghman Esq.
The Aliso Canyon/Porter Ranch Natural Gas Leak, Tracy Rekart
The Challenge of Avoidance, Evasion, Fraud and Corruption in Property Tax, Ian Ferguson IRRV (Hons); Paul McDermott FIRRV, MCIM; and David Magor OBE, IRRV (Hons)
The demise of equal and uniform taxation in Texas, G. Todd Stewart Esq.
The effects of Monte Carlo sampling on automated valuation model performance in real estate assessment, Luc D. Hermans, Peadar T. Davis, Michael J. McCord, and Paul E. Bidanset
The IAAO from an European Perspective, Jan G. E. Gieskes
The Importance of Customer Service and Information Technology, Gus Martinez, Daniel Fresquez, Jessica Ulibarri, and Isaiah Romero
The Magic of Innovation, Justin Eimers RMA, Michael Harvey III, Matthew Shockley AAS, and Emily Goldstein
The Missing Link in Performance Management: Data!, Lawrence E. Stone and Marie Fuentes
The Monte Carlo Sampling Technique on Horizontal and Vertical Equity Measures, Luc Hermans
The People Factor, Meredith Buchanan and Carlos Resendes
The Price Related Bias: Is It Ready for Prime Time?, Peter L. Davis
The Rise of Drone Utilization for Property Assessment, Charles Mondello MS, ASPRS Fellow, GISP
The Science of Engaging the Adult Learner, Willa Jessee MSED and Brad Eldridge MAI
The Valuation of Underperforming Regional Malls: The Changing Face of Retail and Its Impact on Real Estate Values, Peter F. Korpacz MAE, CRE, FRICS
Unlicensed practice of law issues in property tax assessment appeals: The debate continues, Thomas J. McNulty Esq.
Using AI to Ensure Accuracy, Equity, and Uniformity, Michael Lomax
Using Technology in Residential Data Collection, Michael Kasper, John Robins, and Andrew Sustaita
Using the Latest Technology to Improve Sketch Accuracy, Jim Jacobs RES, Nancy Johnston PMP, and Robert Smoote
Valuation Challenges: Cap Rate, Highest and Best Use, RCN, Jim Amorin MAI, SRA, AI-GRS and Stephen S. Wagner MAI, SRA, AI-GRS
Valuation of Possessory Interest, Olufemi A. Omotoso RES, MRICS and Folu Addy MSc
Valuing Hospitals as Integrated Healthcare Facilities, Brian Johnson
Valuing the Las Vegas “Strip”: The Challenges & Limitations of the "City That Never Sleeps" Where the Extraordinary is Ordinary, Jill M. Wood, Colette Black, Carolanne Doherty, and Amy Mills
Walking Tour of New Commercial Construction, James R. Siebers, Ed Martinez IDECC, and Kevin Hayes
What Top Customer Experience Trends Mean to You, Jeff Green
Who’s Afraid of the Big, Bad Cost Approach, William D. Shepherd Esq.