Brief Session Description

Infill properties provide increased compact housing options for people within mature urban communities, but their property tax implications are little known. Research presented in this session helps to explore threats to and enhancements of value related to infill properties in Athens, GA neighborhoods. Research is based on an IAAO 2015 academic partnership grant.

Presentation Category

Real Property Valuation Agricultural, Commercial/Industrial and Residential

Audience Expertise

General Interest (Appropriate for all experience levels.)

Start Date

8-31-2016 1:00 PM

End Date

8-31-2016 2:30 PM


Aug 31st, 1:00 PM Aug 31st, 2:30 PM

Infill Property Development and Large Scale Renovations

Infill properties provide increased compact housing options for people within mature urban communities, but their property tax implications are little known. Research presented in this session helps to explore threats to and enhancements of value related to infill properties in Athens, GA neighborhoods. Research is based on an IAAO 2015 academic partnership grant.