IAAO Research Exchange - IAAO Annual Conference 2019 and Earlier: Modeling Total Depreciation for Commercial/Industrial Properties

Brief Session Description

This workshop will demonstrate how market transactions can be used to model total depreciation (physical, economic, and function) on business properties, in place of traditional physical deterioration life tables. The presentation with walk through data challenges, assumptions and sales filters used in the model, time adjustments, property code groupings, locational groupings, non-linear regression, loess regression, and identify population data to be reviewed.

Presentation Category

Real Property Valuation Agricultural, Commercial/Industrial and Residential

Audience Expertise

General Interest (Appropriate for all experience levels.)



Start Date

9-9-2019 2:45 PM

End Date

9-9-2019 3:45 PM

Moderator Name

Gail Dolbee

Apendium Knowledge Area

Appraising Property


Sep 9th, 2:45 PM Sep 9th, 3:45 PM

Modeling Total Depreciation for Commercial/Industrial Properties


This workshop will demonstrate how market transactions can be used to model total depreciation (physical, economic, and function) on business properties, in place of traditional physical deterioration life tables. The presentation with walk through data challenges, assumptions and sales filters used in the model, time adjustments, property code groupings, locational groupings, non-linear regression, loess regression, and identify population data to be reviewed.