IAAO Research Exchange - IAAO Annual Conference 2019 and Earlier: Leading Change – Journey through a BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal)

Brief Session Description

In a time of restrained resources and uncertain funding a new approach to stabilize funding while meeting customer needs was required. The problem; customers wanted more property reviews completed with only modest changes to the budget. The solution; enact a plan to within five years double the property review capacity (BHAG) while maintaining quality and increasing employee

Presentation Category


Audience Expertise

Introductory (Assumes the participant has little or no knowledge of the areas covered.)


Peller Estates B

Start Date

9-9-2019 2:45 PM

End Date

9-9-2019 3:45 PM

Moderator Name

Chandra Reilly

Apendium Knowledge Area

Leading and Managing the Assessment Office


Sep 9th, 2:45 PM Sep 9th, 3:45 PM

Leading Change – Journey through a BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal)

Peller Estates B

In a time of restrained resources and uncertain funding a new approach to stabilize funding while meeting customer needs was required. The problem; customers wanted more property reviews completed with only modest changes to the budget. The solution; enact a plan to within five years double the property review capacity (BHAG) while maintaining quality and increasing employee