Presenter Information

Paul Bidanset PhD
Frank Pichel

Start Date

26-6-2024 1:00 PM

End Date

26-6-2024 2:45 PM


Apartment valuation models are pivotal for property taxation systems in Western countries,ensuring fairness and efficiency in tax collection. These models, however, presuppose access to high-quality data, a condition often unmet in developing and transitioning countries due to prevalent data availability constraints. This presentation demonstrates that, with innovative approaches and alternative data sources, these countries can effectively implement apartment valuation models for property taxation. It highlights recent progress and real-world examples in Eastern Europe, Africa, and Asian countries, focusing on the adaptation of cadaster and registry databases and exploring unconventional sources for market data to support the valuation process.


Jun 26th, 1:00 PM Jun 26th, 2:45 PM

Implementing apartment valuation models in developing and transitioning countries

Apartment valuation models are pivotal for property taxation systems in Western countries,ensuring fairness and efficiency in tax collection. These models, however, presuppose access to high-quality data, a condition often unmet in developing and transitioning countries due to prevalent data availability constraints. This presentation demonstrates that, with innovative approaches and alternative data sources, these countries can effectively implement apartment valuation models for property taxation. It highlights recent progress and real-world examples in Eastern Europe, Africa, and Asian countries, focusing on the adaptation of cadaster and registry databases and exploring unconventional sources for market data to support the valuation process.