Brief Session Description
A customer-centric culture is vital to success in every industry and even more so today in the assessment profession. Orange County, Florida was awarded the 2017 IAAO Public Information Award for their outreach program which included over 800 community events with the goal of educating and empowering taxpayers with resources and vital information.
Audience Expertise
General Interest (Appropriate for all experience levels.)
L 100 E
Start Date
9-24-2018 4:15 PM
End Date
9-24-2018 5:15 PM
Moderator Name
Allen Todd, RES, RMA, Riley County, KS
L 100 E
A customer-centric culture is vital to success in every industry and even more so today in the assessment profession. Orange County, Florida was awarded the 2017 IAAO Public Information Award for their outreach program which included over 800 community events with the goal of educating and empowering taxpayers with resources and vital information.