IAAO Research Exchange - Mass Appraisal Valuation Symposium: The Use of New, Existing and Changing Technology in the Assessment Field

Presenter Information

Alexander Hepp

Start Date

21-6-2023 1:00 PM

End Date

21-6-2023 2:45 PM


This session will focus on the use of new and enhanced Technology across the Assessment field. I will share Technology examples involving everything from Imagery (Aerial and Street-Level) 3D Modeling (Whole Country, Netherlands), view shed analysis, the use of Lidar, Change Detection, Mobile Tablets, Smart Cities, Blighted Properties and AI. My plan is to share examples from numerous companies (Cyclomedia, Woolpert/DCS, Eagleview, ESRI Canada, Vexcel, Integraph, Near Map, Ecopia, Tyler, Schneider, etc) (without engaging in any type of promotional marketing or selling of any product or service,)and Jurisdiction Public Facing Websites (City of Philadelphia, Mason City IA, Monroe County FL and Franklin County OH).


Jun 21st, 1:00 PM Jun 21st, 2:45 PM

The Use of New, Existing and Changing Technology in the Assessment Field

This session will focus on the use of new and enhanced Technology across the Assessment field. I will share Technology examples involving everything from Imagery (Aerial and Street-Level) 3D Modeling (Whole Country, Netherlands), view shed analysis, the use of Lidar, Change Detection, Mobile Tablets, Smart Cities, Blighted Properties and AI. My plan is to share examples from numerous companies (Cyclomedia, Woolpert/DCS, Eagleview, ESRI Canada, Vexcel, Integraph, Near Map, Ecopia, Tyler, Schneider, etc) (without engaging in any type of promotional marketing or selling of any product or service,)and Jurisdiction Public Facing Websites (City of Philadelphia, Mason City IA, Monroe County FL and Franklin County OH).