IAAO Research Exchange - GIS Technology Conference 2023: Journey to MAARS… Mass Appraisal Analysis and Reporting System

Presenter Information

Ken Morrell
Jeff Warner

Brief Abstract

MAARS (Mass Appraisal Analysis and Reporting System) is a new-generation web-based statistical analysis application designed for property tax assessment personnel. Building on previous PC-based versions dating back to the 1990’s, this new development by the Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury uses current technology to provide detailed appraisal ratio analysis and report generation capabilities for county property assessors and state staff supporting the assessment process. An integrated ArcGIS JavaScript map provides not only a geographical reference for property sales, but also the ability to calculate appraisal ratio statistics directly from the map for user selections or the entire dataset.

Start Date

4-4-2023 4:00 PM

End Date

4-4-2023 5:00 PM


Apr 4th, 4:00 PM Apr 4th, 5:00 PM

Journey to MAARS… Mass Appraisal Analysis and Reporting System

MAARS (Mass Appraisal Analysis and Reporting System) is a new-generation web-based statistical analysis application designed for property tax assessment personnel. Building on previous PC-based versions dating back to the 1990’s, this new development by the Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury uses current technology to provide detailed appraisal ratio analysis and report generation capabilities for county property assessors and state staff supporting the assessment process. An integrated ArcGIS JavaScript map provides not only a geographical reference for property sales, but also the ability to calculate appraisal ratio statistics directly from the map for user selections or the entire dataset.