The December 2022 issue cover story delves into cybersecurity, featuring lessons learned by a county after it was hacked.
Table of Contents
Overview - L. Wade Patterson - p. 2
Thank you to all the members of IAAO and our assessment profession. It has been an honor to represent you this year.
Legal Trends - Sandra Patterson - p. 5
- Rejected listing price indicates mansion’s value, board finds; veterans club ruled tax exempt, except for the bar.
Hacked - Janae Robbins, RMA & Matt Willard, AAS, RMA - p. 6
- The Unified Government of Wyandotte County and Kansas City, Kansas, experienced a cyberattack on its data centers in April 2022.
Association News - IAAO Staff - p. 10
New Book Provides the First Analysis of the Property Tax Across Asia - Will Jason - p. 18
- The Lincoln Institute’s new book “Property Tax in Asia: Policy and Practice” provides the first comprehensive analysis of how this essential fiscal instrument has performed throughout the world’s largest continent.
It's Not Just Another Evaluation - Jason Frost, CAE & Chesney Leafblad - p. 24
- The course evaluations are one of the best ways for IAAO staff and instructors to know what is working well and where we can improve the quality and effectiveness of IAAO education.
IAAO's Larry Clark to Retire - Mike Ardis - p. 26
- Clark, Director, Strategic Initiatives, announced plans to retire earlier this year after serving for 15 years at IAAO and for 42 years overall in property assessment.
Publication Date
Cybersecurity, Assessment personnel education