IAAO Research Exchange - IAAO Annual Conference Exhibitor Showcase 2024: Better, Faster, Appeals: A Practical Session on Using Technology to Streamline Appeals


Partner Company Name


Better, Faster, Appeals: A Practical Session on Using Technology to Streamline Appeals

Session Description

Join us for a practical and interactive discussion featuring how Valcre can streamline data gathering and report writing for assessors. Valcre partners with commercial real estate assesors to enable them to more effectively produce appeals. Valcre allows assessor teams to capitalize on the valuable data they are continually collecting and verifying, to increase precision by having sophisticated analysis, maps, and tables flow seamlessly into reports, and to see the big picture of team workload in one dashboard. This session will be a practical hands-on session that will discuss specific case studies and use cases where assessor tools like Valcre can help enable you to create better, faster appeals.



Start Date

8-28-2024 8:00 AM

End Date

8-28-2024 9:00 AM

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Aug 28th, 8:00 AM Aug 28th, 9:00 AM

Better, Faster, Appeals: A Practical Session on Using Technology to Streamline Appeals


Join us for a practical and interactive discussion featuring how Valcre can streamline data gathering and report writing for assessors. Valcre partners with commercial real estate assesors to enable them to more effectively produce appeals. Valcre allows assessor teams to capitalize on the valuable data they are continually collecting and verifying, to increase precision by having sophisticated analysis, maps, and tables flow seamlessly into reports, and to see the big picture of team workload in one dashboard. This session will be a practical hands-on session that will discuss specific case studies and use cases where assessor tools like Valcre can help enable you to create better, faster appeals.