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Presentation Title (Limit of 12 words)

Exemptions: Maximize the Value of Your State's Homestead Exemptions

Session Description

Summary: Policymakers are increasingly interested in expanding homestead exemptions. States have passed laws allowing for larger exemptions, exemptions that automatically renew, and exemptions that have more complex benefits. Are Assessor's well situated to administer these expanded exemptions? In this presentation, we will discuss challenges to and best practices in homestead exemption administration. Long Description: Policymakers are increasingly interested in expanding homestead exemptions. States have passed laws allowing for larger exemptions, exemptions that automatically renew, and exemptions that have more complex benefits. And no wonder - the homestead exemption makes a good tax better, introducing progressivity and reducing the cost of AVM errors on lower-valued properties. But expanded homestead exemptions means more administrative burden for Assessors. Workflows that worked well with low value exemptions that did not automatically renew won't scale well. Many CAMA systems have limited workflow support for homestead exemption administration. And as exemption values increase, so too will the incentive for fraud or misrepresentation. Are Assessor's prepared to make homestead exemptions work for their constituents? In this presentation, Rob Ross will discuss a range of topics related to the practical administration of the homestead exemption. They will discuss the variety of data models across CAMA systems and how those might be standardized. They will discuss integrating your office's workflows with its technical systems. And they will discuss outreach strategies that help citizens claim their homestead exemptions.


150 C

Start Date

8-28-2023 1:00 PM

End Date

8-28-2023 2:00 PM

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Aug 28th, 1:00 PM Aug 28th, 2:00 PM

Exemptions: Maximize the Value of Your State's Homestead Exemptions

150 C

Summary: Policymakers are increasingly interested in expanding homestead exemptions. States have passed laws allowing for larger exemptions, exemptions that automatically renew, and exemptions that have more complex benefits. Are Assessor's well situated to administer these expanded exemptions? In this presentation, we will discuss challenges to and best practices in homestead exemption administration. Long Description: Policymakers are increasingly interested in expanding homestead exemptions. States have passed laws allowing for larger exemptions, exemptions that automatically renew, and exemptions that have more complex benefits. And no wonder - the homestead exemption makes a good tax better, introducing progressivity and reducing the cost of AVM errors on lower-valued properties. But expanded homestead exemptions means more administrative burden for Assessors. Workflows that worked well with low value exemptions that did not automatically renew won't scale well. Many CAMA systems have limited workflow support for homestead exemption administration. And as exemption values increase, so too will the incentive for fraud or misrepresentation. Are Assessor's prepared to make homestead exemptions work for their constituents? In this presentation, Rob Ross will discuss a range of topics related to the practical administration of the homestead exemption. They will discuss the variety of data models across CAMA systems and how those might be standardized. They will discuss integrating your office's workflows with its technical systems. And they will discuss outreach strategies that help citizens claim their homestead exemptions.