IAAO Research Exchange - IAAO Annual Conference 2022: Managing Inbound Communication Through To Resolution

Presentation Category


Session Description

We plan our inspections and assign staff to get the work done in a timely manner. How do we manage unexpected work and track it through to completion? Do we really know who is calling, why they are calling and if we have answered their concern? This session will show you how.

Audience Expertise

General Interest (Appropriate for all experience level)

Start Date

8-30-2022 1:30 PM

End Date

8-30-2022 2:30 PM


Jenny Williams, Chatham County, NC

Download Comments

Many of the sessions at the 2022 Annual Conference were recorded and are available to full conference attendees. Check the following page to see if this session is available at https://www.iaao.org/2022sessions.


Aug 30th, 1:30 PM Aug 30th, 2:30 PM

Managing Inbound Communication Through To Resolution

Room 302

We plan our inspections and assign staff to get the work done in a timely manner. How do we manage unexpected work and track it through to completion? Do we really know who is calling, why they are calling and if we have answered their concern? This session will show you how.