Presenter Information

Sean Tompkins, RICSFollow


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Session Description

Fundamental disruption within the built and natural environments is changing the profession at a rate faster than ever before. We will view technology, urbanization, climate change, demographics & globalization as the megatrends that will bring huge social and economic consequences as well as vast opportunities for the profession and society.

Audience Expertise

General Interest (Appropriate for all experience level)

Start Date

8-31-2020 4:00 PM

End Date

8-31-2020 5:00 PM


Aug 31st, 4:00 PM Aug 31st, 5:00 PM

The Future of Professions in a Changing World

Fundamental disruption within the built and natural environments is changing the profession at a rate faster than ever before. We will view technology, urbanization, climate change, demographics & globalization as the megatrends that will bring huge social and economic consequences as well as vast opportunities for the profession and society.