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Session Description

Right now, even as you read this, cyber-thieves are attempting to break into your computer network, steal your data, and sell it back to you if you pay a hefty ransom. There are safeguards you can put into place, but what would you do if you came in tomorrow and your data was gone? Learn what you can do to avoid ransomware, and how to recover if you’re victimized.

Audience Expertise

General Interest (Appropriate for all experience level)

Start Date

9-1-2020 12:30 PM

End Date

9-1-2020 1:30 PM


Sep 1st, 12:30 PM Sep 1st, 1:30 PM

How to Avoid Ransomware and How to Recover if you’re Victimized

Right now, even as you read this, cyber-thieves are attempting to break into your computer network, steal your data, and sell it back to you if you pay a hefty ransom. There are safeguards you can put into place, but what would you do if you came in tomorrow and your data was gone? Learn what you can do to avoid ransomware, and how to recover if you’re victimized.