Brief Session Description

From mid-November to mid-December each year, the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) delivers one million Property Assessment Notices to property owners and an Assessment Roll to more than 400 municipalities. This is no easy feat, and requires a great deal of coordination and collaboration from staff. As the result of innovations implemented in the last year, MPAC has been able to generate assessment products faster and more cost effective than ever before. The best practices developed for this annual exercise will be applied to plans currently underway for MPAC to deliver more than five million notices in 2020 as part of the Assessment Update of every property in Ontario. Learn how they did it, and what key lessons they learned along the way.

Presentation Category

Assessment Technology

Audience Expertise

General Interest (Appropriate for all experience levels.)



Start Date

9-9-2019 2:45 PM

End Date

9-9-2019 3:45 PM

Moderator Name

Noah Eldridge

Apendium Knowledge Area

Appraising Property


Sep 9th, 2:45 PM Sep 9th, 3:45 PM

Generating One Million Assessment Products Faster and More Cost Effective


From mid-November to mid-December each year, the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) delivers one million Property Assessment Notices to property owners and an Assessment Roll to more than 400 municipalities. This is no easy feat, and requires a great deal of coordination and collaboration from staff. As the result of innovations implemented in the last year, MPAC has been able to generate assessment products faster and more cost effective than ever before. The best practices developed for this annual exercise will be applied to plans currently underway for MPAC to deliver more than five million notices in 2020 as part of the Assessment Update of every property in Ontario. Learn how they did it, and what key lessons they learned along the way.