"Accuracy or certainty : the role of revaluations" by Adam Holloway and Frances Plimmer

Journal of Property Tax Assessment & Administration


This article focuses on the problem for taxpayers caused by infrequent revaluations and antecedent valuation dates (AVD) which essentially gives them the choice between accuracy or certainty in their tax bills. The research, which is based on the British experience, uses published data and beacon properties representative of various property sectors and/or geographic locations to develop a methodology to demonstrate the inaccuracies in the level of rates paid caused by quinquennial revaluations of a volatile British commercial property market. The current non-domestic rate is fixed by central government with a year-on-year increase for inflation, thus giving commercial ratepayers a high degree of certainty as to their next rates bill. However, British ratepayers in the “richer” parts of the country, as this article shows, are paying less than their true rate liability than those in “poorer” parts of the country. Annual revaluations would improve the level of accuracy in rates paid, but this approach is not seen as anything other than a long-term solution. Thus, this article opens up the debate for all stakeholders as to their choice between accuracy or certainty in rates payment for the future. We believe this research has relevance for other jurisdictions as well, perhaps with a modified methodology.

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