
Journal of Property Tax Assessment & Administration


This article extends the series by documenting a 12th trick used for decomposing a total market value estimation model (the parent model derived from improved property sales) into two separate but additive submodels (a land model and a building model).

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Computer assisted mass appraisal


This material was first presented at the 19th Annual GIS/CAMA Technologies Conference held March 2–5, 2015, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The conference is jointly sponsored by the International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO) and the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA). This article represents the third and final installment in the Tricks of the CAMA Masters series which presents CAMA experts’ solutions to CAMA modeling challenges. The first in the series, “Tricks of the CAMA Masters,” was published in volume 10, issue 4, of the Journal of Property Tax Assessment & Administration. The second installment, “Tricks of the CAMA Masters II,” appeared in volume 12, issue 2.
