Challenges of Valuing Data Centers
Presentation Category
General Session Description
Learn the basics of data centers and how to value them. Participants will learn the basics of valuation and other issues such as secrecy, local legislation, sales verification, business value, realty vs. personal property arguments, depreciation, and reserves for replacement.
Audience Expertise
Introductory (Assumes the participant has little or no knowledge of the areas covered.)
Room 104/106
Start Date
8-27-2024 2:30 PM
End Date
8-27-2024 3:30 PM
Todd Mathes, Washington County, Oklahoma
Challenges of Valuing Data Centers
Room 104/106
Learn the basics of data centers and how to value them. Participants will learn the basics of valuation and other issues such as secrecy, local legislation, sales verification, business value, realty vs. personal property arguments, depreciation, and reserves for replacement.